Thursday, July 21, 2011
After all my hard work, why am I not going anywhere?
Some advice - other people are busy (at least they think they are). Try to say as much in as litte words possible.
Fainting spells caused by bad smell and nutrition, help?
If I feel a bit ill, smells always seem massively more intense. The intensity might be causing the faint, or it might be a warning that your body has had enough and collapse is imminent. If you have time for the alcohol, you have time for food. Eat!
Which philosopher believed in a sort of 'muddling along' attitude to life? Is this attitude OK in philosophy?
I don't know his or her name, do you? I was thinking that perhaps there are no truths -until I wondered if the statement could be true in which case it's very muddled thinking & with a name like mine that's a problem!
How is it that the two leading can't agree with what would fix the economy?
One party wants to fix the economy by yanking medical coverage from old people so they can give it to the rich. The other party wants to tax the rich a little more while reducing defense spending.
How to gain weight fast?
I am 19 yrs old female and i weight 105 lbs 5'3 ive been slim my entire life and im sick of it i so badly want to gain weight but its like no matter how much i eat nothing changes i was wondering if i could drink protein shakes to add on the pounds real fast im desperate, i read the calories on the labels and it would range from 500-1000 and thats exactly what i need i tried eatin a lot of fast food but even then i dont gain any weight very weird
A motivating speech to become a paramedic?
Paramedics save people's lives. They arrive when someone is having a stroke, or bleeding to death and quickly get them so the hospital. Did you know that the medicine to help someone who has had a stroke only is effective up to an hour after the stroke? Without a paramedic to quickly recognize the symptoms and to get the person to the hospital, then the person might suffer from permanent severe damage. Sure, being a paramedic is hard. You see vomit, blood, and death. And the moors of our society (wreckage after drunk driving, possibly bad affects of drugs). Yet you get to save people's lives. It sure isn't a pretty job and I'm sure you won't be happy with what you see, all that much, but there will be one person who you help who makes it all worthwhile. Whether they were shot and you helped them in just enough time or they were seizing up from a drug overdose, you'll be there to help people and to those people you'll be someone who they will remember forever. Their knight in shining armor. And you'll live on in memory even after you die. I'd say that if you want to leave a legacy, there are better ways than becoming famous and you get to be a hero for it.
How many calories are in this?
I would guess that it is about 1000 calories for the whole thing. Check, you can login with an email and it keeps track of your calories and a lot more.
This year is a bit muddled up... should i put off starting my career?
Basically you need to prioritize your life. Make a list of what is most important to you. It seems that your trip and your surgery are taking priority in your life right now, so you probably shouldn't get the reputation of unreliability in the school system by starting something and then flaking out. I don't know how the job market is in NSW. It sucks here and teachers are lucky to get anything. Also I'm not sure when your school year begins and ends. It might be that you get your summer finished and then start the casual teaching when you can devote full time to it.
Are gays in the USA better organised than those in the UK?
After all the ones in the USA have a "circle jerk" while their UK counterparts have a "bugger's muddle"
Why are the police involved in mental health incidents?
Often times suicidal persons are violent and require restraint. Normally when we get these calls the caller doesn't specify that the patient is petite and is willing to go with the ambulance. Since all the dispatcher knows is that someone wants to kill them self then police are sent as a safeguard for the paramedics and sometimes to affect the apprehension. Most officers these days are trained to deal with mental health patients. The officers usually arrive in pairs for their own protection and can't help it if they are burly.
How fit do you have to be to be accepted on a paramedic course?
Different services/programs have different standards. At the very least, you need to be able to lift 150lbs and carry 20lbs of gear up a couple flights of stairs without getting winded. But the fitter you are, the healthier you will be and will be less likely to get sick or injured during your career.
Anyone know of any good books to help me write a novel?
I used to write short stories a lot, but one day a few years back I lost my inspiration. Now, it's back, but it's kinda muddled. Anyway, just wondering if there are any good books?
How to align two parallel wheels?
Not quite sure in which category it belongs. I want to built a kind a large tricycle. I can weld and I want to build it out of existing bike parts. I've got most of it together, but I am a bit stuck how to make sure the two back wheels which should be parallel are indeed so. Each wheel is in a fork and I want to weld the forks on each end of a bar which will be parallel to the floor. I think I will have to build a wooden jig. I'll probably be able to muddle through, but if somebody knows of a good way to do this I'd be very interested to know.
Am I mature...................?
yeah I guess, and that's extremely respectable that you're waiting for the one (: and about the spider thing, i'd only kill the ones that can kill you with one bite. -C.C.H. (:
How do I apply to be a paramedic at Wrigley Field, Soldier Field, Allstate... ect?
Call the places mentioned to ask your question. You might also consider wilderness, military, offshore, international, hazmat, occupational, and industrial jobs mentioned on a few websites. You usually have to have at least two years experience before they hire for these jobs.
Scraped off the bottom of my boot, will you C/C please?
This is very inspirational, and I thank you for sharing. 'Put on yer soul skin' and 'Shake it till ya make it yer own' especially stand out. Oh, and also, the whole fifth stanza, the fourth, first (especially 'dance in a fountain'), the second and third, and then 'Life's waitin''. I think I liked all of that the best! Really, thanks again for posting this piece! : )
What to get my special guy for his birthday?
Okay, this guy Steve and I are NOT dating but we have this "thing" going on, And it's very serious so basically dating without the label. It's early in our so called "relationship" And his birthday is coming up soon but I don't want something that says I love you but something more along the lines of I like you ALOT. By the way Im 17 and he's 17 turning 18.....Any ideas?
How should I do my hair for my girlfriend's sweet 16?
I have no idea how to do my hair. I don't like to label myself but I'm a metalhead and I have really long hair. It's passed my nipples and almost to my ribs. I'm not going to cut it because I didn't spend 4 years for nothing so should I put it in a pony tail or should I leave it down? If you say a braid or corn rolls or whatever you are a dumb a$$ I want a serious answer. Btw Im obviously gonna be wearing a tux.
What are the steps to become a paramedic? thinking of becoming a paramedic .... the school where i live in offers it in 2 years...that sounds easy my friend says it only cost her $8000 for 2 years and she only went twice a week...and they helped her find a job and this school im talking about is miami dade college which has a great reputation for their medical do i know if i should do this? im looking for a career that the school is no more than 2 years long and is very cheap in price and easy...
The difference between 'adopt' and 'foster'?
I always get muddled up between the meanings of these two words and I am currently writing a story where it mostly focuses on a lady deciding to take a young girl into her care for a few weeks, and I don't know if that is called adoption or fostering, so please help me and tell me which one I am using in my story. Thanks in advance!
Weird ache.weakness in left forearm and elbow?
Have your dad read my answer. You might have what is called Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. It much like Carpal Tunnel but it effects the elbow. The Ulnar Nerve runs inside the of the arm from the elbow to the hand.. It becomes inflamed and eventually the nerve becomes entrapped and the pain becomes intense. Some Doctors treat it with Anti inflammatory Drugs, a Brace and Physical Therapy. Other Doctors prefer to do minor out patient surgery and released the nerve.. See your doctor. Your Doctor needs to do a nerve conductive study. Small amounts of electricity are put into the hand and arm and it will determine if the nerves are properly firing and the coarse of treatment .Cubital Tunnel Syndrome is a repetitive motion disease,too.Things like computer usage, video game, texing and extreme force can cause this condition.
Where can i get good free RPGS?
Get a ps3 and play ff, Internet rpgs are seriously overrated...cept for runescape, that shts pretty cool -.-'
Need paramedics help writing a script?
I'm writing a scene where a pregnant girl is shot in the belly. I just need to know the protocol--from the time the paramedics arrive to pick her up to the time the ambulance arrives at the hospital, what would they do to try to save the girl's life?
What's the best way to say to customers, "I don't want to tell you how business is going?"?
When they ask you how buisness is going just say ''ohh dont get me started on buissness goodness you try running a buissness 24hous and youll know know how it is '' and then end off with a chuckle and they chuckle back that way you wont have to make a big scenne about it.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
What should I do? I'm losing my sanity.?
I have a 3.477 GPA at the moment in high school, never had a girl friend, my parents are heading toward a financial crisis. Basically I feel useless, hopeless, not able to help my parents. I have plenty of friends, but I'm starting to question if most of them even see the true me. Being a sophomore, two more years of this seems unbearable. I plan on following a military career, which would be sweet relief. But, at the moment, I read stories, and I start to weave reality with fantasy. I can barely grasp what is currently going on. My mind is muddled, my thoughts are falling apart. It's hard to focus just typing this rant. What should I do?
When a food is labeled "rich", what does that mean?
rich in flavour could also mean filling, and high in calories sometimes means uses butter and creams which gives it a rich texture and taste.
Why is it ok for males to cheat bit when a female do it she becomes a label of a h**?
Because it's expected of men, whereas women are supposed to be more mature and of a little higher class.
Can a lawsuit ruin my future credit since I do not have one yet? Im 18 years old.?
I was involved in a (stupid) car accident about 8 months ago, and yesterday i received a letter from my former insurance company saying that the person who was involved sent them a settlement letter establishing that to extend the amount of money in my policy to cover the hospital bills from the person they represent. The "bump" happened as follow, the woman was in front of me and as approaching the intersection she stopped, we were both going to turn to the left once she stops the car I stop as well, being distracted from something inside the car i start letting go of the brakes and barely tap the her rear bumper.The police man didn't give me a ticket and the paramedics were laughing when arrived at the scene saying that she just wanted to get money out of me. Since she insisted on having pain on her neck she was transported to a nearby hospital where a doctor opined that 3% of her body was impaired. now she wants to get $15000 from me. Im an 18 year old doing everything to stay in school and working full time, my parents barely make enough to pay rent and our expenses. we are not poor but just middle class. and my questions are could she ruin my life by sending that letter to collection and destroying my credit without me even having one? would i be entitled to pay? is there any way for me to show that the bump is not worth $25000? what can i do please help me. Im freaking out!
Why are paramedics allowed to smoke?
It's not a rule that if you're going into the health department to have a future that you must quit smoking. However, I know a lot of hospitals that have "no smoking" rules surrounding the building. Honestly, I agree that they shouldn't smoke if they're going to make a living with smarts in health. On the other hand, it's very addicting. If you're 60 and have been smoking 45 years of your life the odds of you actually quitting are very low, since you have lived more years smoking than years smoke free. It's been proven to be as hard if not harder to quit smoking than drugs such as heroin and meth. Does this give them the right to smoke? No. But as long as it's not illegal for them to smoke, then they can do as they please. Does this make them smart? Heck no. Say a 15 year old is going for a check up, and has tried a few cigarettes. His/Her parents ask the doctor to give advice to the teen. Teens are hard to get through to, but if this 15 year old saw their doctor smoking they would blow off the advice. As for people such as paramedics...that's physical work. A non-smoker would be a much better fit than a smoker. What if they were to have a patent whose lungs failed, or had some sort of severe breathing problems? The person trying to save their life shouldn't be smelling strongly of smoke. I do find it hypocritical, but I think if anything there should be a law that every hospital should be smoke free.
English lit help? Thankyou?
What almost always turns out to be the REAL problem when questions about literature get posted, is that the asker hasn't actually READ the book(s) under discussion. If this is your problem then I suggest you get reading straight away.
I was told being atheist is...?
well since you believe in only yourself, and no supernatural deities, you are atheist. And when people are harassing you harass their assses back ya know. You should get shirts that have pictures of the devil on them and just walk through town bein a boss
Am I bi sexual ?help?
I am pretty sure I am bi sexual I mean I told my mom and friends that I have a crush on one of my best girlfriend , but never labeled myself as bi sexual . When I watch let's say a show like true blood where there are two girls having sex or going down on each other I get really turned on . But I get the same pleasure from guys and girls together . I have had several crushes on both girls and guys so am I bi ?
Is facebook free on the 3 network?
im pretty sure they are in a way, just trying to get you to buy it again by making you want to continue on facebook, So in other words im pretty sure it costs so I wouldnt get on it.
How to cook lo mein noodles?
Well, yeah, first you boil them for about 5 minutes, then you have to fry them up in some oil and preferred sauce for a few minutes. I also put in veggies and meat...and it tastes better than the take out.
Has anyone re-located to Phoenix from another city?
Has anyone re-located to Phoenix from another city? How was/is your experience? I currently live in Chicago (born & raised) and am thinking of relocating. I live in the inner city and am used to lots of noise, plenty people, and a vast of activities and places to see at all times/hours of the day. I know I can't expect Phoenix to be as fast paced as it is here in Chicago and my options of entertainment might be limited but that's fine as I'm looking for something more low-key for my family (I have two young children). How are the people? Are they friendly? We (here) have heard so many stories about Arizona government and officials, I know some must be exaggerations..are people racist toward latinos? Excuse me for being offensive but I don't want my family to be judged upon either (well, beyond the normal amount). How are the jobs? Schools? Restaurants (we are self labeled "foodies")? How is the crime? Please remember that while we live in one of the most notorious neighborhoods in Chicago we still feel safe and take comfort in knowing our community. Any word of advice will be greatly appreciated. (Yes, I know..beware the heat lol! For a girl that hates the winter I'll take 100 degrees any try shoveling 20 inches of snow..ugh, never again!!!)
Can i be sacked for having a number of days off work due to an ongoing medical condition?
my partner has had 13 days off work since January (5months), one period was a week when he was signed off by the doctor, the others have been days off due to an ongoing medical condition for which he has tests coming up at the hospital for to determine what is wrong. He is now being given a disciplinary hearing in which the letter states may lead to his dismissal. On a few of the days the paramedics have been called out to his work or he has been sent home by the manager. Can they sack him for this?
Could it be possible he might like me as more then a friend?
from experience i think ihe really does like u he just doesnt know how to express it to you in a way that would seem appproiate and seem right to him and plus hes probally afraid to admit hes feelings to you i know i would be,heck i use to be nervous around girls all the time and not talk to them and if i had to id make it breif and to the point so i didnt have to again. but i got over my shyness and have become very talkative and outgoing. and no i dont think ur over analyzing at all infact i think u might be under analyzing a little bit. yes he likes you and dont let him make u think other wise i am sre of it that he likes you. the only thing that i could think of hes doing is playing you to make him look cool around his freinds but i doubt it. so yes i really think from the way you have explained it that he really likes u he probally has crush on you too. if u find yourself need more adive or tips from the guy side feel free to contact me at just mntion something about this so i know wht its abt. goodluck :) hope it works out
Atheists and Christians are you concerned and watch what meat you're buying?
Do you buy meat labelled halal or kosher? Any sane individual would call it barbaric and callous. It is claimed that on a scale of measuring pain it rates 84% compared to 13% of stunned meat. And it takes 16 minutes for the animal to die compared to 3 minutes in stunning. I wanna know your views. Btw here's more info -…
What does it take to become a Firefighter/ Paramedic?
I am 17 I want to become a firefighter/ Paramedic but im not sure where to start. I have been dreaming of this since I was 8. Where can I start? Do I have less of a chance because I am a woman?
Do you think I have a legit custody case against my child's mother?
well here is the situation, i just baby that is 3 a paramedic and his mom is a firefighter.i have him on my insurance, i keep the child more than she does, and pay child support.she is really hateful and has serious anger issues. we are currently in counseling to figure out the source of her anger problem. she has done numerous things that i have proof of. she texted me and said she was going to kill me, she said she would kick my friends ***, she has harassed a couple of my friends with messages on facebook,i have text from her saying that she will kill her mom,a text of her saying she gonna get some one to kick my ***,a video of me trying to give her a money order and her refusing to take it, i have her on video actually pull out the driving way with me in the car and then driving away wreckless, a video of her almost getting into it with the officer, and i have video of her saying she don't care if she go to jail.also i have her mentally abusing her other son by yelling at a 4 y/o because he is afraid of dark, call him a sissy *** *****.she also stated he need to grow up and stop acting like a childish. here is the video of her driving the car wreckless, also she has the music up loud which could damage a baby ear drum.a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a also what is a good way to prove her to be unfit? i was thinking something mental
Maybe u should date someone, that'll help u open up be, be urself and also u would have a friend always by ur side
I Hate Being A Teenager :-( Any Advice?
I took a test to get out of high school early, now I'm about to head off to college after summer and I'm only 16. It's an option for you too, I suppose. I hated my high school years as well but for different reasons.
My life is falling apart!?
First, I will tell you not to carry on the burdens of your father. You are your own person with your own path and you should continue on it.If his people are bothering you too much then take it to the police. Next, you should have a conversation with your mother. Tell her that you have a lot going on right now and if its anyone you need at this moment, its her. You do have family members to help you out, and you should be very thankful for that at the very least. You should just pray about everything that is happening in your life, and think in positive ways. I believe that you are very blessed as it is, and you should take notice of the positive things in your life to keep your mind from the negative. And as for the house, you should definitely keep it. It can become your own place of serenity and peace and a place to reflect on the happier times in your life.
Mint julep recipe question?
I recently had my first mint julep and it tasted like heaven in my mouth. I used some good bourbon, sweet n low and mint leaves which I mashed the juice out of. It was kind of a hassle to make several drinks and to have to keep muddling the mint flavor out of the leaves all night so could I just use mint extract from McCormick thats used for cooking? I couldn't find a recipe that called for it so how much would I use if I can even use that?
I am waiting for this package what is going on?
hi dear, you can get the detail information on http// really relevant information you should visit there.
What does it mean for the long term future of our country that 50% of American voters think that corporate?
This "Health Care reform" will cause rationing of care and long lines to the doctor, if you can find one that is. Obamacare guarantees insurers can charge whatever they want and the consumer has no choice but to buy. See Romneycare for a look into the future of this bureacratic blunder. And the Consumer Protection Agency will just lead to more frivolous lawsuits that bottom feeding lawyers love. It's not the governments job to carry consumers by the hand because they're too stupid and lazy to educate themselves and read the fine print.
Where is the best place to study for a degree to become a paramedic in the UK?
Paramedic is generally not a 3 year degree but a 6 month course. Go to the local ambulance company and ask the paramedics there.
Who else is getting sick of Neanderthal Gender Roles?
I love when people use the phrases "Act like a woman" or "Act like a man", or my personal favorite "I won't date a "girly" guy because I'm gay. I date men, If I wanted to date a woman I'd be straight". How about stop holding up these Neanderthal Gender Roles and realize it's how some people are. Hell, some straight guys are like that. Shocking everyone automatically labels Them as gay. Or they get harassed for not being a sports lovin, Gun shootin, beer drinkin. Moron.
Does anyone else never know what they want to do and are just generally lost?
Ever since leaving school(which was a major shock) i've just drifted through life never knowing what i should do and always looking at other people wanting to be their lives. I get in such a muddle i just end up not being able to work at anything. I look am pretty sure all my old school mates will be working away and getting on with their lives but years on i'm still just drifting away. I just don't see the point in anything. I can't understand how others have all found a path and i haven't . Bizarre.
Can ignorance be a reason to accuse someone for trespassing?
several weeks ago, i was staying with my girlfriend in her house, which she shares with her brother and her younger sister, all of whom are over the age of 18 and is an add on to her grandmother's house but with no access to the main house. the building is a 3 bedroom "condo" which was an added extension of the garage. now, my girlfriend had given word to her grandmother that i was going to be staying a few days with her, which she had ok'd. in the course of these several days that i had been staying there, my girlfriend's soon to be ex husband (they're currently going through a divorce) had stolen my cell phone and destroyed it, preventing me from getting in contact with a friend or family member who could give me a ride home. on the third day that i had been staying there, after my girl and i had woken up, we were sitting outside smoking a cigarette when her grandmother came rushing towards us and had got in my face, telling me that i was not welcome there and that i was trespassing, and that she had told me several times that i was not welcome there, when in fact she made no such statements directly towards me but had told my girl that she did not want me there, but that was before my girlfriend had told her grandmother that i was going to stay a couple of days there until i could get a ride. after she was finished with her "barking" she informed us that she was going to call the cops and have me arrested for trespassing. her grandmother knows hardly anything about me, mainly for the fact that she will disregard anything that my girlfriend tries to tell her, in her mind, the fact that i smoke automatically makes me a bad person. however my girlfriend has tried to tell her grandmother that i have served in the military, that i was a volunteer firefighter, and that i have plans to join the police force for the next county or to become a paramedic, as well as the fact that i have a spotless criminal record, so quite honestly... nothing about me or my past is bad. and yet just because of sheer ignorance, her grandmother has tried to have me arrested for trespassing on the property twice for no legit reasons. in the state i live in, in idaho... i can only be arrested for trespassing if i do not have permission or haven't been invited onto the property, which i have by her granddaughter. my question is... can she accuse me and charge me with trespassing, if i have permission to be there by my girlfriend, her sister, and her brother?
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
My friend "fainted"? Paramedics?
I have a phobia of fainting and I've been trying to find out a lit about it as I have a heart condition and that is my biggest fear. My friend, who lies a lot, left science class because he said he didn't feel good and I went with him. We were burning metals. And as we both got up to go back inside, I caught a glimpse of him from the corner of my eye fainting. I can't tell if he really did or not. Looked odd. How do paramedics tell if someone's really fainted?
How can I get an apartment in S.F?
Why don't you worry about finding a job that's going to pay all these bills plus the cost of the tuition first. Once you're earning a living wage then you can worry about where you're going to live once you know how much money you'll have to spend.
How can I stop letting anxiety control me?
I started having really bad panic attacks early February and have been getting them on a daily basis. I'm really scared of being too far away from a hospital incase I get a really bad one and end up dying of a heart attack cause paramedics weren't able to get to me fast enough. I have spoken to multiple nurses and doctors and all have said that panic attacks can't kill you, but I just don't understand how they can't. I guess I don't beleive them and everytime I get one I convince myself I'm going to die although I've been told I can't. My daughters birthday is coming up and her dad really wants to go out of town to a water park, but the thought of going on a long trip scares me because I know I'm gonna freak out and have a panic attack and I don't wanna look stupid infront of him or for him to cause my panic attack to get worse by him not understanding what's wrong with me and acting like something's really wrong. How can I end this vicous cycle? I also don't want to take medication, and I am seeing a therapist but there's such large time gaps in our sessions that they don't really work. Like I only see her every 2 weeks.
Guy problem please help?
So theres this guy. His name is Ryan. He is 15, im 13. We like eachother a lot. But my mom won't let us date until I'm freshmen because she thinks he is too old and wants me to be in highschool to date him. BEFORE I TELL THE STORY MY MOM KNOWS ALL OF THIS, i tell her stuff. Well we go to the pool together, and we want to date eachother pretty badly, like we can't stand it. When we go to the pool he will put his arm around me and hold my hand and he respects my boundaries and my mom's decisions completely. Well we aren't dating because we won't go behind my mother's back like that. But we kissed at the pool today, nothing big just an innocent 3 second one.. He also met my mom today too and she likes him. I dont know.. I feel like a hoe for kissing him and getting all close with him at the pool and we aren't even dating, I love it and I am totally comfortable. It's just afterwards I feel like I should be dating him and doing this stuff. We pretty much are just not with the label but still.. Advice? Please don't judge... That's sort of why I'm feeling like this, because people are so judgmental these days.. Help??
Am I going to die,,,,?
No, you won't die. But it seems u have nerve damage. Go to a doctor before it worsens. (And next time, don't use it on sensetive areas like knee, elbow, spine, etc.)
Copyright Info?? Hey how does copyright work if i wanted to set up a site similar to
do i need to permission from the record labels of the artist? and what is the difference if i profit or not? I want to set up something similar to teach well known pop songs?
Year 10 work experience?
You can probably not be az paramedic your age.Volunteer at a local hospital nd they will find a suitable job for you./
Can i use a semi colon here?
Suddenly a huge crowd drew Aaron's attention; Dozens of police officers and paramedics were swarming the building
Fellow atheists, can we subscribe to a new label?
Yes I seen one once it is called the doctrine of unhappiness and it was written by someone that calls himself the Devil alias Satan known in the pre-earth life as Lucifer the son of the morning. I understand he is very miserable and wants everyone to be like him. enjoy?
Jailbroken iPod Touch Theme Doesn't Show Theme Lockscreen?
Alright, so I have a new iPod Touch 4G running on 4.3.3 firmware. For every theme I have downloaded from Cydia, (I.E Mac Collision) everything works but the theme's lockscreen wallpaper and slider/unlock method; it just shows the background I had before jailbreaking and the normal slide to unlock. The only things I have checked in Winterboard are the ones for the theme, as well as no Undocked or Docked icon labels. On my 3G iPod I had before it was stolen, the lockscreens worked just fine, and there were no new updates for the themes. Can someone please tell me step by step how to fix this problem, whether it be an SSH thing or something else. Much thanks
Tidy Cats Litter for multiple cats for one kitten?
OMG NO ITS NOT SAFE TO USE. the litter is self aware and as soon as it realizes multiple cats aren't using it, it will probably kidnap your cat and then cut you in your sleep.
I'm a EMT, Will my boss fire me if he finds out I have an arrest record?
When I applied for a job as an EMT, the application asked if I had ever been convicted of any crime, other then minor traffic offenses. I answered no. But I did omit(didn't tell them) that I had been arrested on suspicion of DUI 6 years earlier. I was never convicted and never charged with a crime, no action was taken against my drivers license or me in anyway. In fact I have a letter from the DA stating they never have and don't plan on prosecuting me. However an arrest record still exists and can be seen on a FBI or thorough background check. The background check my job did on me was not that thorough. I'm entering a paramedic program in a few months and a FBI background check will be done, which will definitely show the arrest. EMS is a small community and my boss will definitely fine out. How should I proceed? should I tell him now? should I wait until he approaches me. Should I hope he doesn't find out. I am going through the process of getting it expunged before the background check is done, however I don't believe it will be done in time. any advise would be great. I live in the US in an "At Will employment state"
What does a Midheaven in Virgo mean?
I looked up my chart, and the website ( Had great detail about almost everything, but for Midheaven (house X) it just said "All medical, paramedic or social work are recommended" Can anybody give any more detail about that please?
How do you spell all the Pooh Bears Charecters names?
I have to draw a picture, and im labeling each of the pooh bear characters, but i don't know how to spell them...HELP!!!
Do i have a legit child custody of proving the mom unfit?
Not sure just what state you live in as each are different. I hope you kept the text messages as when you go to court you need prove, not here say. You may want to take a dna since she stated you wasn't the father. Talking to a lawyer is an excellent thing to do, I think things look good for you getting the boy if he is yours. Good-Luck!!
Is there anything i can do? ?
If the other driver was at fault and you have their insurance policy and contact information, call the company and tell them that you have latent pain that you need to get checked out and ask how they would like to pay for it. Be sure you have the accident particulars including the police incident/accident report number and names of the parties involved. If they decline, you can go for medical treatment and then sue them for reimbursement (IF the other driver was found to be at fault). In the meantime, you can try ice for the pain in the knee and lumbar spine and over-the-counter anti-inflammatories.
Why are people so concerned with the word fake?
It seems like thats what girls are labeling eachother, and to be "real" they say whatever is on their mind even if it's rude. But honestly, how can you tell if someone is fake or not?
Do you think I'll be able to claim benefits (temporarily)....I'm in a muddle In UK?
If your partner is earning and you live with him he is expected to pay for you. Unless he earns very little and it is quite a while until you start your new job its not worth all the hassle of trying to get benefits!
Problem with an older guy?
So theres this guy. His name is Ryan. He is 15, im 13. We like eachother a lot. But my mom won't let us date until I'm freshmen because she thinks he is too old and wants me to be in highschool to date him. BEFORE I TELL THE STORY MY MOM KNOWS ALL OF THIS, i tell her stuff. Well we go to the pool together, and we want to date eachother pretty badly, like we can't stand it. When we go to the pool he will put his arm around me and hold my hand and he respects my boundaries and my mom's decisions completely, he treats me great and is super sweet. Well we aren't dating because we won't go behind my mother's back like that. But we kissed at the pool today, nothing big just an innocent 3 second one.. He also met my mom today too and she likes him. I dont know.. I feel like a hoe for kissing him and getting all close with him at the pool and we aren't even dating, I love it and I am totally comfortable. It's just afterwards I feel like I should be dating him and doing this stuff. We pretty much are just not with the label but still.. Advice? Please don't judge... That's sort of why I'm feeling like this, because people are so judgmental these days.. Help??
What sort of person am I?
I don't know my own personality and who i am, so i struggle to just be myself because i don't know who myself is? I believe in freedom and I strive to not be stressed in life by having free spirit if that makes sense. I don't believe in God (please don't start a religious debate) because i think religion is a way of dealing with the fear of death and confusion of the world. I think that life is crap and so is death but I'm not a goth or emo because i dont like that music or have an interest in death. I'm very philosophical about life. I don't think i belong to any labels so i would appreciate if someone could tell me how to understand myself and the person i am so i can live more freely. Thanks by the way i'm 15 and male.
Why hasn't my mail gotten to the post office yet?
I sold something on ebay, so I printed off my own shipping label as I always do and dropped it off at one of the blue drop off boxes yesterday at 2:30pm. Shouldn't the post office have picked it up by now? It says nothing under tracking except for "electronic shipping info received" ... but shouldn't they have gotten it to the post office by this time?
Air traffic control question-Midwest contract atc?
If you have military experience, you can be bypassed by the age because of the need to ATCs. Half of the ATCs are retiring, meaning we will need 17k more of em by 2013 contact a local CTI school
Lump in occipital area on the back of my skull?
4 days ago i passed out on the sight of blood bumping my forehead on a statute. the paramedic brought me to the emergency room. I didn't get a concussion but i got stitches and a few shots. They let me go later that night because everything was normal. Now i just have a bump it hurts a little when i play with it right on the back of my skull(occipital area) what could this be? Also. i shaved my head recently causing LOTS of razor cuts on my head, it burns right now. Could this be it?
My girlfriend is thinking of leaving me?
I know this sounds a bit silly but when things like this happen to me I try to think that what ever happens it was kinda supposed to be that way. I know its hard to try to think like that when t it happening though so try to focus your graduation just now. If shes getting therapy it may help and hopefully everything wil go back to normal. I hope everything works out ok for you. You seem like a nice guy.
Do ambulance employers in the Southern California area, such as medics or doctors ambulance, look at where you got your EMT 1 license; is that important to them? For example are they going to hire someone who got there EMT license from OCC over an EMT license from one of the privately taught license programs such as accelerated program taught by firefighters and paramedics??
What happened to amira in eastenders?
think back to when syed came out as gay on the square. Amira thinks she's pregnant so she and the oldest fox sister (can't remember her name). The sister gets the tests muddled up so Amira must be pregnant. She leaves the square without realising and.....does she abort the baby or do you think she will turn up with a baby? I loved her character and she was beautiful.
Do think i have a case of winning child joint physical custody?
well here is the situation, i just baby that is 3 a paramedic and his mom is a firefighter.i have him on my insurance, i keep the child more than she does, and pay child support.she is really hateful and has serious anger issues. we are currently in counseling to figure out the source of her anger problem. she has done numerous things that i have proof of. she texted me and said she was going to kill me, she said she would kick my friends ***, she has harassed a couple of my friends with messages on facebook,i have text from her saying that she will kill her mom,a text of her saying she gonna get some one to kick my ***,a video of me trying to give her a money order and her refusing to take it, i have her on video actually pull out the driving way with me in the car and then driving away wreckless, a video of her almost getting into it with the officer, and i have video of her saying she don't care if she go to jail.also i have her mentally abusing her other son by yelling at a 4 y/o because he is afraid of dark, call him a sissy *** *****.she also stated he need to grow up and stop acting like a childish. here is the video of her driving the car wreckless, also she has the music up loud which could damage a baby ear drum.a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a also what is a good way to prove her to be unfit? i was thinking something mental
What's the best website for translating?
I want to translate but not google translator or that, one that is really good, because when i write stuff and it goes into another lanuage i swap it around to see if it is what i said and it's all muddled up even though i have my spelling and that all correct.
Fellow atheists, can we subscribe to a new label?
Yes I seen one once it is called the doctrine of unhappiness and it was written by someone that calls himself the Devil alias Satan known in the pre-earth life as Lucifer the son of the morning. I understand he is very miserable and wants everyone to be like him. enjoy?
Does anyone know of a way to get rid of chronic headaches and neck pain?
You may like to try a dose of a homeopathic remedy called Phosphoric Acidum 30c and see if this helps. This remedy is known to help in condition such as yours esp forgetting what you have just read. It just might help u as well
Which name: Mae or Francesca?
Well Francesca makes me think of Francesca Battistelli who just happens to be my favorite female artist, but Mae is also very unique sounding with the spelling. i honestly think Francesca Amie is a better name. it has a lovely flow to it and is absolutely beautiful! Good luck!
Can someone one please help me find a good college in St. Louis, MI that specialized in EMT(paramedics)?
ill really appreciate your help. im moving to missouri in about a month and im wanting to go to a university that is not that hard to get into. the college must be in or around st louis and im wanting to become a paramedic when im done with school. thank you
Her parents hates me and threatens me, ect our relationship is miserable but we want to stay together..advice?
We're both girls' so we knew that her parents wouldn't condone this, and her mom REALLY doesn't like it all. In fact, she hates it. My parents don't care and I put up with her mom. She threatens me and all that good stuff. She chases my girlfriend down wherever we go and makes a scene out in public, then yells at me calling me names and such. I really like my girlfriend. She said breaking up would be the best thing for both of us since her mom makes this whole thing a workout, but I told her we both didn't want to. So no. We can't hang at my house, because her mom comes and bangs on my door demanding her to come home and my mom and sister have to deal with that and she doesn't want to drag my family in. We hang outside. Constantly, she hates the cold. We always try to find a spot to hang but we either get too cold, or the cops kicks us out, or her mom is creeping. It's the same thing over and over. And when she comes home, her mom bombards her with questions. We do not want to break up. I don't want comments like heads up ect. We need help. How do we tell this woman to stop and accept us? When she was raised in a way where all of this is absolutely taboo. We don't want to hide...And I don't want her to go home to this crap. Please, it's been like this for over three months, but we had a thing since january, so well over four months going into five. Please I tried telling her that we'll just muddle through it and make a stand and don't budge, we are already, but she just makes our relationship miserable even though we do have fun together she just wrecks it. It affects where we can hang out, where we walk and when she sneaks out and says she's going for a walk, they call her and track her down on that AT&T program thing. They blocked my number. And when they pick her up, I have to leave before they see me with her. mdaosjdafknabfahdad they are so full of mad.
My heart shakes can any one tell me why.?
my heart shakes mow and then why.i have had some sort of stroke last year but they could not find any damage . but my memory was a bit muddled up. i take pills to stop stablese my heart .. any thing to worrie about. bob
Orbital fat loss causes?
Maybe you are allergic to something? Have you tried changing your environment for a few days to see if anything changes?
Another probability question with dice?
Find a non standard way to label the 6 faces of two dice in such a way that the probability of their total being 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, and 12 is the same as a standard dice
Monday, July 18, 2011
I have this pain on the top of my foot when I run. HELP!?
Just by looking at photos of feet on the internet with the bones labeled, the area of pain is around the intermediate cuneiform bone and the lateral cuneiform bone. it hurts every time i run and when i walk. not sure if its the bone or the muscles and tendons around it. It also hurts when i apply pressure to it with my hands. I hope this is enough info. if not, ask me some more questions that will help you give me a good answer. How would i treat this pain?
Do you have something to hold up to the light?
A very good piece. The last two stanzas lose it somehow. It is an emotional outbreak, without achieving an identification of emotions and words. The previous large part is very impressive. Very!
What does this labeling mean?
I have cheese powder that says kosher dairy on it. Do this refer to the enymes in the cheese, if so what kind of enymes?
How do you get your dad to stop ignoring everyone? Hes your only parent?
First of all I'm so sorry you have to go through this and I think you are very brave for asking for advice. Is there someone you can go to talk about this to like a grandmother or an aunt or a respected adult? I think you need to have a family meeting and really give everyone in your family a chance to voice their opinions and try to make changes. If your family is open to it, perhaps you could seek help from a family counselor. This really can help your situation at home!I think you should tell your brothers how much you appreciate them and help them as much as they can. Being 17 and having to take care of a family is something that can be so hard on a person. I really hope this helps you and things do get better for you! :) stay strong
Working two jobs..? EMT/Dential Hygienist ?
Hello I want wanting to go to school/ training to become a EMT and a dental hygienist. I want to do both of these, I want to work part time as a paramedic at a hospital and also do the other job, maybe work in private practice. Is this possible? What is the normal salary for both? And will I ever have time off? Also, any tips on the differences to work in pediatrics? Thanks alot
All the mommys out there? Help me out, please.?
those are just some of the early symptoms of pregnancy you probaly are. sometimes pregnancy test dont come out positive that soon you should go get a blood test done thats more accurate in early pregnancy!! good luck baby dust to you!!
What does this mean/is my item in transit to me?
Processed through means it's left that facility and it's on to the next one. It will update to "out to delivery" once it's at the closest hub to your house.
Fun and Fun only - Do you want to see a man with ''no bad habits''?
very nice ! . particularly that last punch very nice , ya its sad that good people suffers lot in the life than bad people .
How to align two parallel wheels?
Not quite sure in which category it belongs. I want to built a kind a large tricycle. I can weld and I want to build it out of existing bike parts. I've got most of it together, but I am a bit stuck how to make sure the two back wheels which should be parallel are indeed so. Each wheel is in a fork and I want to weld the forks on each end of a bar which will be parallel to the floor. I think I will have to build a wooden jig. I'll probably be able to muddle through, but if somebody knows of a good way to do this I'd be very interested to know.
Hopefully second baby name game..pls don't delete?
1. Vet tech 2. Met Ryan On The Beach and we Go To Florida 3. Wedding on the beach and 2 week honeymoon in Hawaii 4. Adam Isaiah 5. Xavier Raymond Jace and Jasper Benjamin Chase 6. 6 bed/4 bath the basement is a big playroom 7. Rylee Brielle and the boys a
Paramedics- How do you go about making a decent living.?
If you want to be a Paramedic and make a decent living in the US, try to get hired by a decent fire department. Even some of the better city or county EMS agencies may be eventually taken over by the fire department. You'll never make much or do much as a private ambulance Paramedic.
Why do some Christians oppose gayness so vehemently yet not oppose people who work on a Sunday?
Some Christians have had bad teaching from parents and ministers, the Bible doesn't allow for us to be judgmental about anyone. God loves everyone regardless and we are supposed to as well. Sadly, being a Christian means that you are forgiven : it doesn't mean you are perfect.
Marrying a firefighter, whats married life like?
Firefighting is a fairly safe job... My husband is a cop and I never really worry. The only thing that really sucks is the shift work and not having the same schedule. I am work in business and travel alot and he works weird hours... But it is all about enjoying the time you do have together and not stressing on things that COULD happen. :)
Boyfriend has a child and wants a future with me, am I asking too much?
no, i don't think so. you will become part of the family and should have some say in how it functions. one thing you didn't mention that i think would be necessary - if you feel the need to discipline the child your boyfriend needs to back you up. good luck, hope he is willing to work with you
How can I stop letting anxiety control me?
I started having really bad panic attacks early February and have been getting them on a daily basis. I'm really scared of being too far away from a hospital incase I get a really bad one and end up dying of a heart attack cause paramedics weren't able to get to me fast enough. I have spoken to multiple nurses and doctors and all have said that panic attacks can't kill you, but I just don't understand how they can't. I guess I don't beleive them and everytime I get one I convince myself I'm going to die although I've been told I can't. My daughters birthday is coming up and her dad really wants to go out of town to a water park, but the thought of going on a long trip scares me because I know I'm gonna freak out and have a panic attack and I don't wanna look stupid infront of him or for him to cause my panic attack to get worse by him not understanding what's wrong with me and acting like something's really wrong. How can I end this vicous cycle? I also don't want to take medication, and I am seeing a therapist but there's such large time gaps in our sessions that they don't really work. Like I only see her every 2 weeks.
Is it bad that i BEAT up my CRUSHES Girlfriend?? am i going to jail?? What is MY CRUSH GOING TO DO?
ok theres this guy name zack who ive been close with this year. we flirted alot during class, he hugged alot, texted me occasionally and kissed me on the cheek a couple of times and almost kissed me but his moms car pulled up. but he never asked me out, thats what i didnt get cause we where SUPER close that people thought we went out and called us the cutest "interacial couple" im black he's white. then 2weeks ago out of nowhere he goes out with this chic Tara that i dont like (nobody does) very much. i was heart broken when i heard this and he hasnt talked to me since then even when i get on FACEBOOk he'll get off once he notices im online. so yesterday me and my sister went to the movies and i saw Tara there with a friend i tried ignoring her and when she walked past me to get to her seat she bumped into me and i spilled my popcorn. so i couldnt take it i grabbed her hair, gave a headlock. she hit me in my tummy and then i reacted by punching her in the face, knocking her to the ground and then kicking her while she was squeeling like a dog cause i kicked her in her ribs so bad that the paramedics had to be called and i was escorted out by the security. i have court next week. and im scared i could go to jail cause im 16 and Tara is still 15. and zack keeps texting me now and i wont answer or read his texts and i cant even get on for now cause everytime ill get on, he'll try to pull up a chat. is this bad?? should i answer him?? i think tara deserved what she got.
Where can I find information on working in Iraq (healthcare)?
I am not yet qualified, but when I am I am very interested to go over there and work in a hospital as a paramedic, to gain insight and experience.
Confused about sexuality ...?
I mean at first I considered myself as bisexual ( about a year and a half ago ) when I came to except myself but now I'm kinda doubting who I am. Don't get me wrong, I still find myself attracted to girls ( I'm a girl ) and honestly living life with guys only would seriously suck! (shudder ) no offence to the guys out there. So now a days I'm back to that confused stage, I'm starting to think am I either a lesbian or pansexual or fluid? Or just plain labeless ( which sounds good i geuss ). You see I wouldn't mind dating a guy or girl but when it comes to thinking of guys sexualy I just get grossed out ( this is some days ) and then other days I just kinda think love is wonderful and I really don't give a **** weather your a guy or girl or a transvestite or what not. Today I kinda took a quiz for fun ( quizzes get you no where really ) but it told me flat out i was either pan-curious or label free. Sorry if my story's kinda confusing aha :P but yeah thanks for your opinion. I mean I know I have to figure this out myself but meeh it get's hard at times and I just want an outsiders view. Thaaanks :) x
Would being a combat medic in the TA help become a paramedic in civvie street in the future?
i would like to become a paramedic in the long term but dont want to commit four years to the army. Would a combat medic in the TA have a good chance to become a paramedic
Do you think usps lost my package?
If your package is lost, USPS will send you a notice within a couple of days saying that the status of your package is "lost in transit" but I think your package is simply still being processed.
How to cover up pores, acne, and acne marks?
I've tried benefit porefessional but that didn't do anything. plus the label says "minimzes" so that probably means hides just a little, when i want it covered completely.I've tried benefit porefessional but that didn't do anything. plus the label says "minimzes" so that probably means hides just a little, when i want it covered completely. now i don't want to wear a lot of makeup but maybe 3-4 products would be okay. for the acne it never completely gets 100% invisible but some of the girls from my school do get it that way i want to know how.
How to insert symbols on blogspot, before "blog archive" and labels, such as arrows, little balls etc?
The gadgets "blog archive"and "labels" are already working properly on my blog (blogspot). But I'd like to see/insert, symbols such as arrows, for example, on the left side of the month (blog archive), and, maybe, little circles, or stars, besides "labels"(which are ordered on a "list", btw). Help, please!! Thanks.
Why is a guy labeled whipped when he cares about his girlfriend?
Why is it that a guy who cares for his girlfriend and is very loyal, considered whipped. Yet a guy who just jumps from girl to girl for sex is okay. It seems that caring and sensitivity towards your girlfriend triggers others to make negative comments about the relationship.
Is highschool better than middle school?
Hey, I'm going to graduate middle school, and so I'll be of to high school next year. I think muddle school is ehhh. I was just wondering, what was the difference between high school and middle school for you or someone you know? Thanks :)
If your significant other died during sex, would you dress them before the paramedics & cops arrived?
This has actually happened quite a lot before, and I suppose it all depends on how you respond to your partner dying during sex. Personally, I'd be a little bit too freaked out to dress them! But hey, If you can, more power to ya. The Paramedics have seen everything before, and they won't judge or be embarrassed. So you could, but it's not necessary.
Does anyone know any independent record labels in the bay area?
Check out my song "Everyone starts From Somewhere" on youtube i have 10 songs total on youtube and like 20 songs total done on my laptop
How much would a superdry label sell for?
Im trying to earn a bit of money. I have a couple of superdry labels (orange and black label sportswear) surely someone obsessive would buy these. So how much could I put a price on one to see if I mite sell. Its unlikely but worth a try
Trying to create a Pokemon ROM, any tips?
Actually gameboy advance ROMs are typically programmed in c++ or some other compiled language. Advance Map seems to be able to do everything you mention though. Good luck with your ROM hack! :D
Im worried how my sister will cope in a grammar school?
I am hoping that your parents and the school administrators are also interested in her success at school. Just be a good big sis and pitch in when you are asked. Good luck to you both!
What is the state with the best outlook for firefighter/paramedics. live in ohio and just no jobs?
Well....right now id say Arizona or newmexico needs some help......but other than that im thinking any state that get huge fires...and natural disasters. Ie tornados and such would want as many qualified people as possible.
Confused about Paypal charges?
I have recently begun selling on ebay but the charges Paypal are making are confusing me. The item I sold went for �5.50, with postage costs of �3.00. Therefore I should makes �8.50 minus ebay insertion fees etc. Now I go print a packaging label, which takes me to Paypal. The item weighed only 0.1kg and Paypal charges me �4.41 to print a packaging label! I didn't know you had to pay to print the label, nothing like that on Amazon. So I still have to take the package to my post office and pay to send it, that's most of the �8.50 I made gone :( Can anyone help me figure out the charges Paypal are making? Thanks.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
What are the odds of surviving a stroke?
My father had a stroke last night and no one found him until 12 to 16 hours after it happened. He was laying outside all night after his stroke until he was found. The type of stroke he had was a Ischemic stroke. My dads blood pressure was in the 400's and his sugar was in the 500's when paramedics got there. He was moving a bit also. After being sedated he is barely responsive and can not move his right side of his body. He does fidget and move his left leg and arm. I know he can hear me cause I was talking to him and he reached out his hand and held mine. He had a cat scan and it showed a large gray spot on the right side of his brain. I asked the doctor what the odds were that he would pull through and the doctor would not say. He refused to tell me or anyone else in the family. My dad's blood pressure and sugar have stabilized and he does move the left side of his body as well as grip and hold your hand. And I was wondering if anyone could offer up what chances he has since the doctor wont.
Fire certified or emt first?
I wanna be a firefighter-paramedic but I don't know with I should get certified/degree in first. I know you don't have to get a degree in fire science but I want to.
A neighbor had my son break into my home when I was passed out in her house. What can I do to her legaly?
This all could have been prevented if you had her arrested for stealing the narcotics but maybe they were not legal. I would just keep my distance from her.. She is causing you trouble and stressing you out. She sounds mentally unstable so you need to be very careful . If you have to be anywhere near her you should have a witness so she can't make up stories and get you arrested. Sounds drastic but you might have to move. She could be dangerous. I can't believe they would say you can't use your own patio. That's crazy. You are smart enough to know she must of lied to get that order against you. She is a liar and goodness knows what she will do next. That was a mistake to text her but I'm sure you won't do it again. Try to calm down and if there are family members or friends you can talk to, turn to them for support. The main thing is to try to protect yourself against false reports and watch out for your son. If you have friends or family you could visit maybe be away from the house til things calm down. I hope you feel better and she leaves you alone. This is a terrible situation . Good luck.. Maybe she'll go away.
How can I stop letting anxiety control me?
I started having really bad panic attacks early February and have been getting them on a daily basis. I'm really scared of being too far away from a hospital incase I get a really bad one and end up dying of a heart attack cause paramedics weren't able to get to me fast enough. I have spoken to multiple nurses and doctors and all have said that panic attacks can't kill you, but I just don't understand how they can't. I guess I don't beleive them and everytime I get one I convince myself I'm going to die although I've been told I can't. My daughters birthday is coming up and her dad really wants to go out of town to a water park, but the thought of going on a long trip scares me because I know I'm gonna freak out and have a panic attack and I don't wanna look stupid infront of him or for him to cause my panic attack to get worse by him not understanding what's wrong with me and acting like something's really wrong. How can I end this vicous cycle?
Being an EMT-B looking to enlist in the military question on age and being a paramedic?
Hi, I graduated college awhile back. I have looked into officer programs, but have no desire to be an officer. However, I will not rule it out can always go into reserve eight years later. I have been applying to jobs in my degree field, but no answers yet. Reasoning behind joining the military is I want to be part of a bigger picture, see the world, and just acquire skills. I would want to continue towards a master’s degree while serving. I have been an EMS volunteer for 6 months and taking a class for advanced EMT right now, you are allowed to do IV’s only difference in our state. Question is I am 24 and will be 25 on average are there allot of people enlisting over 25 years old? Second question can you become a paramedic down the road in the military? Third question I took the practice ASVAB online did all right except in the areas of mathematics and arithmetic. I am sure that will be important in scores for enlisting in the medical field. Would they give preference to anyone already an EMT or a paramedic into entering? On the other hand, you get the scores to obtain the job you want. I will have to bring out the old math book. I am going for enlisting as a medic, but open to other options as well.
Are there any hair salons in Baltimore MD that specialize in scene hair?
I don't like labels but if I had to my label would be scene and I usually cut and dye my own hair but th style I want is a little difficult this time and so is there any salons in Baltimore MD that could do a good job and not f**ck it up?
How do I install n Advanced Format Drive on my pc?
First of all, if yours is a reasonably new motherboard you don't have to worry about jumpers. But your 'old' Dell needs to have SATA ports. If not you have bought the wrong one & need to exchange it for an IDE drive.Partitions are areas you can divide the hard disc up into during Windows installation if you so wish. Not compulsory. Software you will need are the Motherboard drivers. You might have to try & download that from Dell. If your Dell has a dedicated video card you will need the drivers for that as well. You will need to get all of those drivers before you start. And you will need a genuine copy of Windows XP. If you have everything you need start your installation with the Windows OS disc. You will be prompted at the correct time to use the others.
I feel kind of alone?
Go to your closet and grab the outfit that looks great on you and you like to wear, do your hair up nice, and go out. Go to the mall, The arcade, the club it doesn't matter. You are a wonderful person. You deserve to let yourself live and have fun. You will meet good people who won't stop liking you for something childish. Your (ex)friend needs to grow up.
Is she trying to find out if i like her?
i told a girl i knew very well 5 yrs ago, we made out a few times but could never be together, and just recently started to talk to again that she was in my dream. she asked what it was abt and said she was good at analyzing dreams. then she asked me how i saw her, if i had to give her a label, wht label would i give her? was she trying to figure out how i saw her? she said this was all to interpret the dream.
Lesbian or pansexual?
I mean at first I considered myself as bisexual ( about a year and a half ago ) when I came to except myself but now I'm kinda doubting who I am. Don't get me wrong, I still find myself attracted to girls ( I'm a girl ) and honestly living life with guys only would seriously suck! (shudder ) no offence to the guys out there. So now a days I'm back to that confused stage, I'm starting to think am I either a lesbian or pansexual or fluid? Or just plain labeless ( which sounds good i geuss ). You see I wouldn't mind dating a guy or girl but when it comes to thinking of guys sexualy I just get grossed out ( this is some days ) and then other days I just kinda think love is wonderful and I really don't give a **** weather your a guy or girl or a transvestite or what not. Today I kinda took a quiz for fun ( quizzes get you no where really ) but it told me flat out i was either pan-curious or label free. Sorry if my story's kinda confusing aha :P but yeah thanks for your opinion. I mean I know I have to figure this out myself but meeh it get's hard at times and I just want an outsiders view. Thaaanks :) x
Did USPS lose my package? or was it possibly stolen from my mailbox?
So 2 days ago (June 27th 2011) I sold an item on Ebay and I put it in my mailbox at around 1:00PM. The mail man usually arrives at my house at around 4:00PM. I have a tracking number and everything but when I check the tracking number, all it says is: Electronic Shipping Info Received, Jun-27-11, 00:00 AM. This basically just means that I printed the shipping label...Is it possible that my item was stolen from my mailbox? and if so, what should I do?
Where can i find chocolate uggs with a brown label? Please!!!!!!?
i really like the chocolate uggies. but i only like them with the brown label. so do u know where i can buy them from
What are the odds of surviving a stroke?
My father had a stroke last night and no one found him until 12 to 16 hours after it happened. He was laying outside all night after his stroke until he was found. The type of stroke he had was a Ischemic stroke. My dads blood pressure was in the 400's and his sugar was in the 500's when paramedics got there. He was moving a bit also. After being sedated he is barely responsive and can not move his right side of his body. He does fidget and move his left leg and arm. I know he can hear me cause I was talking to him and he reached out his hand and held mine. He had a cat scan and it showed a large gray spot on the right side of his brain. I asked the doctor what the odds were that he would pull through and the doctor would not say. He refused to tell me or anyone else in the family. My dad's blood pressure and sugar have stabilized and he does move the left side of his body as well as grip and hold your hand. And I was wondering if anyone could offer up what chances he has since the doctor wont.
Gay, bi, and lesbian people, tell me why do some of you base your entire identity on your sexual orientation?
One thing that confuses me is how people base thier entire identity on their sexual orientation. I am a bisexual transguy, mostly gay though but this is not my entire identity. I am bisexual/gay, but I am also an animal lover, I love music (metalica, evanescence, avril, katy perry, linkin park list goes on and on), I have a killer sense of humor, I love watching people get pranked, I like plants, I hate bullying, I hate vegtables (except corn and potatoes) and so many other little things about me. I am so much more than just these labels people try to pin on me and myself. Again I hope I do not offend anyone but why base your whole identity off of your sexual orientation? GLB people out their, do any of you agree with this? Tell me who are you besides Gay lesbian or bi?
Can I get an airline employee when I'm about to board my flight?
You know that desk that you go to to check in or something and you give in your suitcases and label your carry-ons? Well can I get an airline employee to accompany me on my trip from Montreal-Istanbul, Turkey (direct flight)? I'm only 13 years old and I asked a previous question and someone said that human trafficking and prostitution was a big issue in Turkey so it wouldn't be a good idea to go alone. He also said that I would need to pay 100$ for the employee. Is this true?
How do you get your dad to stop ignoring everyone? Hes your only parent?
Well just to tell you i think you should have breaks for yourself. Also im kinda confused by the paragraph but i dnt think you should really get involved with violence when your brother get hit and i think you should give him something for his birthday or fathers day. And if you have other family memeber i think you should talk to them or counslers if its kinda that serious with your family. Well good luck with my advice i hope it helped. And if you need anyone to talk to you could email me if you want some more advice. Because im 12 and i kinda had the same problem with my family too.
How to make red lipstick less shiny?
I just bought a red lipstick at Sephora (from their own label) but as soon as I tried it at home I found out it was to shiny. is there anyway I can make it less shiny and more matte?
Are the democrats supporting Obama's reelection underestimating Bachmann?
They label her as "crazy" and "moronic" but she so far has beaten many expectations. She's been elected 3 times in a very liberal state (one of the only two who didn't reelect Reagan) and she slams Obama everywhere she goes. In 2010, a tea partiers were polled and most said that Bachmann was the leader of the Tea Party, not Palin. Speaker Boehner trusts her enough to be on the Intelligence Committee. Even Chris Matthews says she's a threat. Yet, liberals just laugh and think Obama will stomp her. Are they making a mistake.
Could I have A.D.D? I'd like to avoid drugs.?
All this is because of your way of thinking, over analyzing yourself, and self centerdness! Your so stuck in your own head with so many negative thoughts, you end up feeling depressed and so on. Medication, therapy, and so on is not the answer! Those things are only for temporary use! Getting a life is the real answer, getting your mind involved with other people, job, career, sports, volunteer work, interests, activities, exercise, hobbies, spirituality, etc! That's exactly what I did and I overcame all that stuff and I had been in 15 hospitals, attempted suicide, was diagnosed clinically depressed, personality disorder, you name it. I had seen like 50 therapists over a 10 year period. Finally when a therapist told me how self centered I was, and self analytical, the light went on. I began to make big changes in my life and get out of myself and got myself a life. Funny how once my life and thoughts changed and I involved myself in many productive things in life and helping other people, I got well!
Acting interviews?? terrible?
so when i go to acting interviews for work experience etc , i get quite nervous etc and sometimes when they ask why would you like to do work experience here and why do you want to act for your future career ? it all comes out in abit of a muddle , do any of you have any experiences to share or maybe give some tips and help on how to not get these auditions and interviews in such a muddle and be prepared thank youuuuuuu
Am I crazy or is this normal?
When I'm sick with a high fever I hear voices. I can't make out what they are saying but usually they are fighting and yelling and it varies of being a man and woman yelling or two men yelling. It sounds like I can hear them through a thick wall because their voices are muddled. I feel half awake and drift in and out of sleep but I can still hear them when I'm sleeping. I never hear them unless I have a high fever so is this a fever dream or something?
How does God react to human's promises and temptations?
If you get muddled and upset and it's really trying, do you think that perhaps that is a clue to just how nonsensical the whole concept of god is?
Does this guy like me?
Theres a really shy guy at school that's terrified of girls. However, I always see him looking at me. A while back I asked for his # so he Cango to a concert with me. He said "sure.". In the muddle of the convorsation i interrupted him and he said "ill give it to you tommorow.". I ask him the next day he says his phone broke. I decided to takes break from him and see what happened. Yesterday we had a peprally. He say behind me, when I scanned around the area behind me, I saw him staring down at me. In the past he used to hold back a smile, blush and run away from me. TodayMs the second last day of school; and he's going to be gone next year; how do I get his #?
Can emergency medical personnel get jobs working with police?
I know that Firemen employ paramedics in their ranks to serve the department, do police do the same thing?
What is the difference in labeling of Ibuprofen?
At Wall mart you have Ibuprofen labeled one for migraine, another version labeled for inflammation, and another version of ibuprofen labeled for pain....all of these products have the same mg of active ingredients, I tell my wifes aunt who reads the labels and believes every word, that these labels are designed by advertising people and she needs to take these labels with a grain of salt..........true or false?
How to deal with parent's expectations on college?
Don't worry, you should do what you believe in. If being a paramedic is what you want, GO FOR IT! & Prove to your parents that you made a good choice. Your almost an adult now. So, if they won't support you, that's too bad. But you gotta stand up & tell them "No, mom, dad, I'm sorry I'm not like my sister---I'm a completely different person and this is what I wanna do with my life, please." Besides, don't parents want their children to be happy? Well, good luck with your career!
Who was in the wrong in my Safeway Courtesy Clerk firing?
I worked for safeway they suck. But you should have said to supervisor or manager that you were off in 4 mins. If you clean the spill that will put you in overtime which they are obligated to pay. That way its the managements decision. To leave a job only partially done for the next clerk was pushing your luck. Reason 1 i totally agree with as i caught hell for the same thing. No one can hear announcements when in the parking lot collecting carts! Did you explain your situation to the manager?
I found a large lump in my breast that is getting bigger...?
A few months ago I noticed a rather large lump near the top of my right breast. I have recently lost about 50 lbs and thought maybe the change in shape could just be from weight loss. I also considered that since I had been working out that maybe it was just muscle that had developed. The lump has seemed to grow in size and is now a little bigger than a golf ball. At times it is tender to the touch and feels much different than my left breast. I know I should go to the Dr but I currently don't have insurance. I start a new job with medical benefits in a couple of months and was hoping to put off a Dr's visit until then. My main concern is going in.. finding out I have cancer... and then not being able to get coverage because of being labeled "previous condition" I really don't want to worry my family or friends so I haven't really mentioned it to anyone. I want to be sure before I put them through any of that. I'm afraid of waiting to long to go but more afraid of being a burden to my family.
I feel lost after father's death.?
Ilost my brother to lung cancer two years ago i can understand what your going through he was only 55 he was older than me the pain does pass it is ok to be sad and angry at times but like my brother your dad is at peace next time there is some charity event a run join in collect money for a cancer charity be a volunteer try to help others as much as you can talk to your family about it
How do I add a link to images of myself on tumblr?
On my friend's tumblr, she has a link on the right hand side labeled "CNM", her initials, and it leads to pictures of herself. The link remains on the tumblr page, however. How do I create a link to pictures I want to put up on my tumblr page? Thanks!
Are there any areas around the Chicago suburbs that have 911 paramedics separate from the fire department?
They are always separate. The fire department has their own trained medics that can treat people on the scene though.
Film Theory Question?
It will be interesting to see if I get points just because I am the only one that answered. I thought the Nazi propaganda films were interesting as a medium to project ones ideology.
Do you think i have a chance of winning a custody battle against my child's mother?
well here is the situation, i just baby that is 3 a paramedic and his mom is a firefighter.i have him on my insurance, i keep the child more than she does, and pay child support.she is really hateful and has serious anger issues. we are currently in counseling to figure out the source of her anger problem. she has done numerous things that i have proof of. she texted me and said she was going to kill me, she said she would kick my friends ***, she has harassed a couple of my friends with messages on facebook,i have text from her saying that she will kill her mom,a text of her saying she gonna get some one to kick my ***,a video of me trying to give her a money order and her refusing to take it, i have her on video actually pull out the driving way with me in the car and then driving away wreckless, a video of her almost getting into it with the officer, and i have video of her saying she don't care if she go to jail.also i have her mentally abusing her other son by yelling at a 4 y/o because he is afraid of dark, call him a sissy *** *****.she also stated he need to grow up and stop acting like a childish. here is the video of her driving the car wreckless, also she has the music up loud which could damage a baby ear drum.a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a also what is a good way to prove her to be unfit? i was thinking something mental
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Help me with name ideas?
WOW your name must really suck if those are the names you want to change your name to. Those are awful!
so when i go to acting interviews for work experience etc , i get quite nervous etc and sometimes when they ask why would you like to do work experience here and why do you want to act for your future career ? it all comes out in abit of a muddle , do any of you have any experiences to share or maybe give some tips and help on how to not get these auditions and interviews in such a muddle and be prepared thank youuuuuuu
What would paramedics do if you were having a panic attack?
For example, say that you were experiencing your first panic attack and you didn't know what to do so you called 911 and the paramedics came to help you. What are all of the things that they could possibly do to help you?
I feel so depressed and confused? HELP?
I hate my life, and myself. All I really want to do is die, but commiting suicide is too hard. I'm 17, and want to go back to school, but I'm too depressed. I can't get a job, and I sit alone at home all day crying. I'm seeing people about this, but NOTHING is helping! What should I do? Is there any answer other than paramedics, hospital, psychiatrists, or therapists. I've had all of that help.
St John's Ambulance Volunteering: Is it worthwhile?
Hey, I'm 16 and I've recently joined volunteering for St John's Ambulance, I think it's great because you get to meet new people on different courses which are practical as well as theory, it's such fun to do and you learn so many new skills while doing it I think if you want to be a paramedic or something in the medical field then this is another step to it. You get to become a First Aider then Advanced First Aider and another couple of higher up positions, you would certainly benefit from joining me thinks.
Christians, what proof do you have that you are a Christian?
This question is a perfect example of the No True Scotsman fallacy. You can't change the meanings of words to suit your fancy and expect to have a reasonable discussion with others concerning the topics surrounding those words.
What's up with labels?
I have a boyfriend and I love him to death but sometimes I am physically attracted to the same sex. I don't get attracted to women my age, I am always attracted to older women. I love having sex with my boyfriend, we have sparks, but I can honeslty say I have fantasized about other women. Does tht make me a bi sexual or lesbian cause I believe people shouldn't look at what's between their legs its what's in their heart.
"Writing a noval is it any good"?
First things first. You misspelled novel. Second thing, you had tons of spelling and grammar errors. Third thing, you put in tons of adjectives, too many actually. I couldn't understand what you were describing. I mean bitter clouds? Fourth thing, you randomly change what you are doing, and it doesn't flow. If you can improve that it could be good.
Why the heck is everyone pushing me to get a girlfriend?
Just simply state why you wouldn't want to date a girl and you find them pushing you to get one a little controlling. You're in control of your relationships not them, so you find the right girl not them. Something along those lines, good luck :)
UPS Electronic Shipping label.....?
As long as you are using clear tape you can go over the bar code. In fact it is better to use clear tape over the entire level that way it won't get torn during shipping.
My boyfriend is a diabetic.. What can I do to help him?
My 22 year old boyfriend has diabetes and lately has been going into diabetic 'shock' frequently. Just last month he had an episode while driving and was involved in an accident and totaled our car. Today while he was sleeping, I noticed that he was sweaty and cold and unresponsive. He began twitching and his heart rate accelerated. I was scared to death and called paramedics, who were able to bring him around. Also, his co-workers told me that this has happened at work often and he refuses to go to the hospital. He didn't tell me that and seems annoyed when I ask if he either ate or took his medicine as scheduled. I'm unsure as to what to do, and he refuses to see another doctor for a second opinion. I'm afraid for his life. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Dyslexia, do I have it?
Your school is doing wrong by you, you should have already been tested for learning disabilities. Have Mom take you in on Monday, and the two of you talk to the principal. Mom needs to request/demand that you be tested by the school district to see if there is an official problem you have learning. Once the figure it out using these tests, some will be reading out loud so the test lady/man hears what you see, some in writing skills. You will spend a day with her/him taking tests and talking to them. They can figure out what you need help with. You as the student have a responsibility after this is done to do what they ask so you can overcome this problem. You may learn differently, but you can learn. Some things will take longer, but you can learn.
Question About Transfats, please help.?
Trans fats don't cause weight gain, but they do contribute to heart disease. As long as you stay under the recommended 5 grams per day then you'll be fine. Just be careful not to buy anymore products with partially hydrogenated oils.
Could someone please give their thoughts on the theory of God that is confusing and muddled to me?
I think that everyone has their own "savior" you could say, and so "god" could be that little something there that saves you and that keeps you going. I dont think god is really a person or an object, its just something in your mind or something that just keeps you going. It sounds better in my head, so i dontt know if this made sense.
I have a bad label from guys? :/?
a lot of guys try to get with me and i don't like most of them, but the ones i like say that i have like 19 boyfriends . and they mean it .... what do i do .
Teens- does it annoy you when people automatically assume you're irresponsible?
Yeah, actually it does. You make a few simple mistakes like losing an Ipod or forgetting to do something and parents or anyone else label you as irresponsible or can't be trusted. When your a teen, it's normal to make mistakes and adults don't realize that it's sometimes really hard to balance life with school and friends and family and homework and more school. Adults don't remember that it's not all fun and easy being a teen and were still growing and make mistakes but it doesn't necessarily label us as "teens who disappoint us and constantly mess up and make bad choices in life", 'cause in real life we mess up, it's not all perfect. Ya live and ya learn.
Legally Reverse Bipolar Diagnosis?
Sue the doctors who originally diagnosed you. If you can establish that they were wrong you can get your record cleared.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Why are liberals now saying it is good to raise taxes by labeling tax cuts as "Bush tax cuts"?
All I know is I pay more taxes under the Obama regime than I did under Bush...the liberals in Washington assume the rest of us in the US are too stupid to notice when they go back on promises and generally screw the Hell out of the working guy/girl...they suffer from a delusional perceived superiority other words THEY are brilliant and can do as they please, the rest of us are retarded and don't UNDERSTAND their brilliance!
Which hairstyle sounds cuter?
If you've got to stick a label on my forehead I'm scene/hipster , so, I'm dying my bangs black tiger stripe design over a color, I'm tan (half Mexican) so what should I do the stripes over? Orange, like a classic tiger, or neon yellow, one of those two , thanks:]
Do employers see a difference between paramedic certification and an Associate of Applied Science Degree?
Would I get paid more if I get the degree? I'm thinking about getting it just for the credits so I can qualify for advanced enlistment in the Navy. The degree means 69 total credits. Just the certification is 33 total credits.
How many people here are writing their own comic/story?
And if u are briefly explain the main idea of the story and say what genre it is (action, adventure...whatever u label it)
Do you believe in signs? I am freaked out by this?
I graduated college five years ago. I had a close friend during it, who was mutual friend of me and my gf. but after I broke upbw my gf the attraction btwn me and my friend grew to point we made out a cpl times. Then the next fall she said 'I've never done that w anyone who was just a friend' I assume she meant prior to me? Then i told her that she was the person I wanted to be with, and she said 'not right now' but soon stopped talking to me. I asked her why this was a yr after. She wouldn't tell me but then posted something on her status about how she loved someone whose situation made her run away. We then went four years without talking. Saturday morning I woke up from a dream about her and felt like consumed by missing her. Then I go online and she messages me out of the blue. i told her in the conversation about the dream and she asked what happened in it bc she is good at analyzing dreams. i told her, and she said it meant to leave my comfort zone. she also asked what label i would give her if I was, and i said she was a good friend i was attracted to you and that i missed her. Is this a sign? Do you think she still is interested? How can I find out?
Can i take the workout supplement, "jack3d", while on lamictal and methylphenid?
i just want to know if i can take this pre-worout supplement when i go to the gym. Im 16 years old and i took it once and it gave me alot of energy and it worked fine but i just freaked myself out that it made me shakey but the label says thats what it does. I didnt take my medicine listed above, however. So i want to know if it is safe. i take lamictal 100mg and methylphenid 38mg.
Any ideas for my Art Final Piece- Fantasy art? A Level. And Fantasy Art sketchbook ideas?
Hi all, Ive done a unit on Fantasy art and my desired outcome I have chosen are faeries. Does anyone know what Final Piece I could do based on fantasy art faeries? I am aiming to get an A overall but my mind is so muddled! Any cool ideas would be very appreciated....Also I need more pages in my sketch book filled in based on Fantasy Art overall....any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!
I need some help, or advice, either is good.?
Well, I don't think you should. Seeing of course you are attracted to her maybe shows you like people with her personality. You know, it may take some time, but to tell you the truth I would try and get over her. You know she isn't going to divorce her husband and stuff for someone that's still in school.
Why wasn't she arrested?...assault question?
First of all. Are you a guy or a girl.(cos i saw Maverick and then your pic). Second is she your older sister or your younger sister. If your a guy get over it but if you a girl and shes your older sister. Cops can't do much. Cops tend to stay away from family disputes unless it involves a wife being beaten by her husband or basically a husband doing anything crazy. They leave it to you to solve the disputes between siblings. If if need to go to counseling and they can tell you what steps (leagally and personally) you can take to avoid being assulted.
In what state do paramedics and nurses get paid the most?
I'm both a medic and rn and I'm thinking about moving..but I want to make sure its to a state where I can make money
Am i pregnant? Why cant i concieve?
u r too early in ur cycle to be ovulating yet, but then again mother nature does as she pleases. i knw its easier said than done, but try to relax and it will happy whn its time. blessings
Why the heck is everyone pushing me to get a girlfriend?
Just simply state why you wouldn't want to date a girl and you find them pushing you to get one a little controlling. You're in control of your relationships not them, so you find the right girl not them. Something along those lines, good luck :)
To be a graphic designer, mostly for packaging materials, like cards and labels, what...?
I don't know how other schools work. But the basic courses I needed were graphic design, typography, illustration, and packaging design.
Why do so many people muddle up 'asterisk' (*) with the character Asterix?
Even my very intelligent Law tutor says it! It just sounds silly (as well as being funny) but you'd be surprised about the amount of people that do say 'Asterix' !!!!! I haven't the heart to point it out to them.
I need to know how to find q1 q2 and q3, when the info is in a table eg 10<t<25 frequency is 3 that sort?
sorry for the brief question< i need to know how to find q1 q2 and q3 for plotting graphs and box plots but i get muddled up with like when to use frequency density,mean and how to actually find q1 q2 and q3, can anyone just summaries to help me or give me some examples thanks *)
I got into a bad car accident and was rushed off to the hospital can I sue?
I got into a car accident because of a defective feature on the car. I blacked out during most of it, but I remember hitting my head but Im not sure what I hit it on. The airbags did not go off so it is assumed that I hit my head on the steering wheel. The car is a brand new 2011 Dodge Challenger and NOTHING should have been wrong with the car at all (One of the wheels just popped off after an episode of violent shaking). My 4 year old son and I were rushed off to the hospital in an ambulance. My son was checked out first and they said there was absolutely nothing wrong with him (according to paramedics the car seat was strapped down so well, that it didnt even move during the whole ordeal). I, on the other hand, had a concussion and severe case of whiplash (thank god for seatbelts). I was pretty lucky considering the extent of the damage. Anyways, while I was at the hospital recovering, the officer who was at the scene of my accident came in and handed me a citation for something like having an unsafe vehilce (stupid) and a ticket for a suspended license. I had no idea my license was suspended and had no reason to think I did because a couple weeks earlier I had been at a road block and the ran my name in the system because I didnt have my license on me. They told me I had a warrant for an FTA on a speeding ticket, but that was all. They didnt say anything a bout a suspended license and they let me go. I called the DMV and they said my license has been suspended since January of this year!!! So I was shocked to hear that because I hadnt received any mail letting me know anything about..... ANYTHING. I was planning on getting a lawyer and suing Dodge for the defective car they sold me and they damages done to my neck and head and emotional blah blah (you know the works). But will this license suspension be a big issue? How much does it affect the case since I didnt receive any letters about the suspension and the whole road block issue with nobody telling me my license was suspended. And if my license was suspended since the begining of January and I bought the car (and insurance) in April, how come the suspension didnt show up then? Im confused.... Please help
My wife wants to have another child but i'm not sure if i really want another child?
My wife and i have been married for 21 years we have three children together two girls and a teenage boy ages 16, 12 and 9 we have been fortunate enough to have such wonderful children we both work i am a paramedic and she is a kindergarten teacher. We have great jobs, so my wife have been talking about having another child she keep saying how great it will be to have another baby. She keeps bringing it up she even ask my kids if they want another sibling and they said yes!!!!!!! But i'm not sure if i really want another kid and she works with kids and she loves kids. I asked my father for advice he said to follow whats in my heart. I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters he told me this " Son me and your mother love our children very much we wanted 7 children and that's what we got and i thank god every day for giving me that gift and always follow what you know is the right thing to do in their heart". So what should i do i'm on the fence about having another child and i don't want to cause any problems in my marriage.
How can paramedics tell if someone's fainted or faked?
Where I'm from we call it "fluttering eye syndrome" and use a simple test to determine this. The paramedic applies a light touch to the corner of the pt's eye if the pt is truly unresponsive you will likely get no response if the pt's eyes flutter the sensorium is intact. A follow up technique here can be to lean in and whisper to the pt "I know you can hear me and i need you to wake up and talk to me because if not I'm going to have to start an iv and give you some drugs i don't know if your allergic to."
What bike should i get?
Id go with one of the 650s because they are more useful. The Verseys and Ninja are basicaly the same bike, and the Verseys won bike of the year upon its debut, it is more versitile than the Ninja if a little less athletic. You may be a little more comfortable on it too do to your height.
Christians do you want to help the world or get to heaven?
Go to heaven .And serve the Lord ,motivated by His love and what He has done for me on the cross,while I'm still around in this world.Hope this helps.
If record labels listen to your music what makes them decide if they want you?
a couple record labels are listening to my stuff and i want to know what they look for if theyd actually consider having me as part of the record label.i would just think your song has to be good, your lyrics, flow, and how you present it.somebody please help...
Which label thingy should i dress i not gonna act just sorta blend the style with mine?
Is really good to get shoes and bag as classy or whatever as you can afford, then you feel good in top gear even if you have days when your general glam is not as good as you wish.
Can anyone please tell me the name of the tv show thats about?
a man who was a paramedic who had these awesome powers that allowed him to see the future. So he used his abilities to stop crimes from occurring or people from killing other people. Anyway there was this cop lady and she was getting suspicious about to the point where she almost discovered his secret. It was a tv show that used to come on the NBC channel. Can you please tell me what it is.
Can a 13 Year Old Take a CPR/AED couse at the Red Cross?
I'm 13 yrs. old and am a junior firefighter. I hope to become a paramedic. Can I take a CPR/AED class at the Red Cross? Please state a source. Thank you.
Shy moms; How do u make it throughfinding a job and the interview process?
I get terrible anxiaty about it... but I gotta do it so muddle through somehow. Though I gotta say I have had 3 jobs and I was refurred by someone I knew. I've never been able to land a job completly on my own. So how do u do it??
Is it a coincidence that hell is if you think about it is the worst punishment imaginable?
I could easily tell someone that you can go to a place where all the greatest ice cream flavors possibly imaginable by the keenest human mind are. Dairy Queen!! It's called advertising. Even I can pull **** like that outta my ***! If you think someone is talking to you, you should really lay off the hard drugs.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
My wife wants to have another child but i'm not sure if i really want another child?
My wife and i have been married for 21 years we have three children together two girls and a teenage boy ages 16, 12 and 9 we have been fortunate enough to have such wonderful children we both work i am a paramedic and she is a kindergarten teacher. We have great jobs, so my wife have been talking about having another child she keep saying how great it will be to have another baby. She keeps bringing it up she even ask my kids if they want another sibling and they said yes!!!!!!! But i'm not sure if i really want another kid and she works with kids and she loves kids. I asked my father for advice he said to follow whats in my heart. I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters he told me this " Son me and your mother love our children very much we wanted 7 children and that's what we got and i thank god every day for giving me that gift and always follow what you know is the right thing to do in their heart". So what should i do i'm on the fence about having another child and i don't want to cause problems in my marriage.
Is she trying to find out if I still like her?
i told a girl i knew very well 5 yrs ago, we made out a few times but could never be together, and just recently started to talk to again that she was in my dream. she asked what it was abt and said she was good at analyzing dreams. then she asked me how i saw her, if i had to give her a label, wht label would i give her? was she trying to figure out how i saw her? she said this was all to interpret the dream.
I'm paranoid about what he does without me?
if i were you i would be honest with him or leave him....he obviously doesnt know what commitment means! he's just using his recent breakup as an excuse to keep you around...its not okay for him to throw parties without inviting you because he should have nothing to hide from you...if he seriously cares about you then he will want the relatioship to work... but if he doesnt want you to be his girlfriend then your just wasting time..good luck
Are white people allowed to be proud of their heritage?
Its probably because the biggest white pride groups in America are racist bigots that have a history of making life miserable for everyone who is non white. I am sure you have heard of the KKK. And I think you ought to read up on American history and find out who's land this really is.
Help Stringing Guitar?
You have too many strings! I think you must have bought a 12 string set. The package has a reference chart for which string is which. The low E is a 56, the A string is a 47, the D string is probably the 35, the G string is the wound 27, the B string is the plain 17 and the high E string is the plain 13. This is an awfully heavy set of strings. If you are not used to it than you might wish to go with a medium or medium light set.
Silicone Breast implants before 22?Deformities?
Agreed with the above poster. Be happy with what you have. No real guy would care about what you look like or the size of your breasts. It's up to you though on what you want to do...
Can I still sue Dodge?
Never sue Dodge! I love them!!!!...but they don't make very good vehicles.....but what can u expect from american made anything these days....
What is the reason saints and politicians turn rich in days?
The saints become rich because of offerings aqnd the politicians turn rich because of scams, scandals, muddles, corruption and dalali
Can Filipinos audition for SM/JYP/YG Entertainment (etc Korean labels)?
i am thinking about auditioning for SM/JYP/YG Entertainment. i am filipino and have some chinese in me. a lot of people think i am korean. haha but i am kind of dark.. like a yellowish tan colour. so do you know if they accept filipino people because i have never seen one get accepted into these labels.
A neighbor had my son break into my home when I was passed out in her house. What can I do to her legaly?
This all could have been prevented if you had her arrested for stealing the narcotics but maybe they were not legal. I would just keep my distance from her.. She is causing you trouble and stressing you out. She sounds mentally unstable so you need to be very careful . If you have to be anywhere near her you should have a witness so she can't make up stories and get you arrested. Sounds drastic but you might have to move. She could be dangerous. I can't believe they would say you can't use your own patio. That's crazy. You are smart enough to know she must of lied to get that order against you. She is a liar and goodness knows what she will do next. That was a mistake to text her but I'm sure you won't do it again. Try to calm down and if there are family members or friends you can talk to, turn to them for support. The main thing is to try to protect yourself against false reports and watch out for your son. If you have friends or family you could visit maybe be away from the house til things calm down. I hope you feel better and she leaves you alone. This is a terrible situation . Good luck.. Maybe she'll go away.
Does it sound like I'm being lied to?*confused help plz*?
Okay, so I'm a weird state of things, my boyfriend dumped me for good, but he-he......I can't say really, we've been in this maddness for months; he says that he's only dating his new girl because she wants to piss off her ex/soulmate/ lord knows what; but when I looked on her facebook page, her and his name is scrawled on every post for all to see! but on her profile she writes the name of her ex, I think, as being her "one and only love". Not that I'm jeaulous or anything, to be honest I felt a little bit better when he left because he used me only as a security blanket and played all these games with me; but I still have feelings for him.......I still love him, and I'm also scared that if this realtionship with him and her ends badly, he'll come back begging me to take him back and I'm scared that I will because I still love him....despite all the stuff he did; does it sound like I'm being lied to? Like he's only saying it just to keep me dangling just in case? I really need some guidance on this.......I'm so confused and muddled...
Paramedics what would you do?
What would you do if a late teen passed out with a heart problem ad their heart beat was 300? What do you do when you arrive at an unconscious body? And what do you say when they wake up? Thanks :)
What breed is my chicken?
Overall I have 11 chickens. 3 babies(Americana), 6 teens (Red Comet), and 2 adults(Red Comet). One of the Red Comet Teens (Muddle) we think is a mix. She is actually brown and she has the design on her back like an Americana might have. She is orange in some spots but barely and has any. She has a white belly, and dark brown sports all on her back mostly on her wings and none on her head. Her tail is pretty much the only part that is orange but only part of it is orange the rest of it is brown and white. She is a very pretty chicken and she is really nice to me and follows me around all the time. Thanks if you know what breed she is or if she's a mix. =)
Criminal Record Check for getting into JIBC?
I was charged with a misdemeanor in the states recently.. I was just curious, if I were to apply for a paramedic course at JIBC if it would come up on my criminal record check or if they only search for charges in Canada?
Microsoft Office Word 2010 Table question?
I have a little problem. I have a Word document that i use to print labels with. I have the table made with the proper grid lines and everything. However from time to time i accidently move a grid line when moving to type to another box. Is there any way i can restrict the editing to not be able to change the table but be able to just type in it?
My boyfriend says no sex before marriage but... asking for Christians/any advice!?
It seems to me his attitude about sex is just the tip of the iceberg. In addition to his religion he might also have family issues. Fortunately, you're only 18 and if you don't rush into marriage you'll have a chance to get out into the world. Don't rush into anything.
How to get a job at dream works?
i want to know how much school i would half to go for to get a job there and what i want to do is build 3d muddles. and how much they pay and stuff
HMV return policy help?
no not unless its damaged and they can spot accidental damage to deliberate before u get ideas of chopping one of the arms off
I think i might be bisexual o_O?
Well you could be. If you keep having these thoughts and feelings than yea, you might be bi. But at the same time you could just be curious right now and that is normal for girls. Plus you might sub-consciously think these thoughts because you know guys are turned on by that? Idk, that is just a guess. Anyway, just keep it cool and as time goes by, see how you feel. Whatever happens, happens.
Does anyone know what's wrong with me?
I'm a 16 year old boy, and quite worried. Over the past few months, I've been experiencing a cold sensation on the right side of my head. It's not painful, but really annoying. The past few months have also seen my gait change, in an embarrassing way. I walk in a bouncing motion, as my heels hit the floor first, this radiates up my leg and causes a bouncing movement. Recently, I've been muddling my words a lot, sometimes merging two words like familiar and similar, creating samiliar (this only occured once, but still!). I've also been a lot more tired, sometimes feeling lightheaded. I have already come up with a list of things that may be attributing to these problems, and these might help you guys give me an answer as to what is wrong with me. I've been carrying an extremely heavy school bag (one strap) for a good 4 years. This has led to having a neck problem - I became aware of this as my neck makes a clicking sound when I turn it - and may have induced a funny walk, considering it's hurt my back as well. My diet isn't the best either; I've made efforts with my five a day but eat A LOT of garbage. This may lead to me feeling tired as well as the fact that I rarely get my eight hours of sleep a day. Reading up on getting mixed with my words, I found that a lack of adequate sleep can lead to being at a loss for words, something I hope is the case here rather than something serious. What I'm really confused about is the cold sensation on the right side of my head. Incidentaly, my neck makes a clicking noise when I turn it to the right, but not the left. Does this mean that something may be out of place at the top of my spinal chord?? If so, this could link back to a funny walk, not sure. Please help!
Is it finally the end for my husband and I after 2nd time cheating?
Duh, leave him. People don't change, they just get better at hiding who they are and what they're doing. If he loved you he wouldn't cheat, he's behaving like a bachelor which means you hardly exist to him, get out while you can, you'll regret it everyday if you don't. Get on or eharmony and find a REAL man.
What's the best way to learn a new language?
I'm learning spanish and when I learn something new, I forget what I learned the last month. For example, I was learning directions last month and then I'm learning family this month. I forget what I've learned last month because I'm learning something new. And also when I learn a phrase e.g. "estos son nuestros los archivadores" I forget to say "son" or sometimes I say something like "estos es nuestros" or estos son nuestras". I muddle plural with singular or I muddle masculine phrases or verbs with feminine phrases or verbs
DS: I have read in books & on excellent websites: *Dogs attack what they fear*?
This is definitely not true for all, or even most, dogs. A well trained dog that has proper leadership isn't going to attack anyone. As the owner of 3 CGCs, I know that my dogs wouldn't even consider growling. Dog attacks are usually a defense of property. Dogs that feel they need to defend their property are the ones that are poorly trained, have no leadership, are underexercised, and undersocialized. Launi was NOT displaying fear. She was displaying territorial aggression. The temperament of the dog does not matter, it is a strong pack leader that matters. Aggression is either dominance, territorial, or fear (fearful dogs will try to get away from their fear BEFORE attacking it).
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