Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Do think i have a case of winning child joint physical custody?

well here is the situation, i just baby that is 3 months.im a paramedic and his mom is a firefighter.i have him on my insurance, i keep the child more than she does, and pay child support.she is really hateful and has serious anger issues. we are currently in counseling to figure out the source of her anger problem. she has done numerous things that i have proof of. she texted me and said she was going to kill me, she said she would kick my friends ***, she has harassed a couple of my friends with messages on facebook,i have text from her saying that she will kill her mom,a text of her saying she gonna get some one to kick my ***,a video of me trying to give her a money order and her refusing to take it, i have her on video actually pull out the driving way with me in the car and then driving away wreckless, a video of her almost getting into it with the officer, and i have video of her saying she don't care if she go to jail.also i have her mentally abusing her other son by yelling at a 4 y/o because he is afraid of dark, call him a sissy *** *****.she also stated he need to grow up and stop acting like a childish. here is the video of her driving the car wreckless, also she has the music up loud which could damage a baby ear drum.a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyv1BnDqW0A" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyv1BnDqW…/a also what is a good way to prove her to be unfit? i was thinking something mental

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