Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why are paramedics allowed to smoke?

It's not a rule that if you're going into the health department to have a future that you must quit smoking. However, I know a lot of hospitals that have "no smoking" rules surrounding the building. Honestly, I agree that they shouldn't smoke if they're going to make a living with smarts in health. On the other hand, it's very addicting. If you're 60 and have been smoking 45 years of your life the odds of you actually quitting are very low, since you have lived more years smoking than years smoke free. It's been proven to be as hard if not harder to quit smoking than drugs such as heroin and meth. Does this give them the right to smoke? No. But as long as it's not illegal for them to smoke, then they can do as they please. Does this make them smart? Heck no. Say a 15 year old is going for a check up, and has tried a few cigarettes. His/Her parents ask the doctor to give advice to the teen. Teens are hard to get through to, but if this 15 year old saw their doctor smoking they would blow off the advice. As for people such as paramedics...that's physical work. A non-smoker would be a much better fit than a smoker. What if they were to have a patent whose lungs failed, or had some sort of severe breathing problems? The person trying to save their life shouldn't be smelling strongly of smoke. I do find it hypocritical, but I think if anything there should be a law that every hospital should be smoke free.

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